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4T Bike Additive 125ml
Increases engine performance. Removes deposits in the fuel system, on valves, spark plugs and in the combustion chamber and prevents them from forming again. This also reduces fuel consumption. Protects the entire fuel system from corrosion. Prevents carburetor icing. Kat-tested.
Added to fuel for all 4-stroke -Engines (carburetors and injectors). 125 ml sufficient for 15 to 20 liters of fuel. Add at every fill-up. Gasoline Stabilizer 250ml
Preserves and protects fuel from aging and oxidation. Prevents corrosion throughout the fuel system. Ensures hassle-free decommissioning of motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, snowmobiles and other 2-stroke and 4-stroke gasoline engines. Increases operational safety. With a long-term effect.
Suitable for all 4- and 2-stroke petrol engines - especially for preventive use. Turbo and Kat tested.
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